Complete line of burst sensors and indicators.

ZOOK offers the industry’s most complete line of burst sensors and indicators. They can be used in tandem with rupture disks – metal and graphite – or independent of a rupture disk. We also provide burst indicators for pressure relief valve (PRV) protection.

Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) initiatives play a pivotal role in the environmental compliance frameworks of diverse sectors. These initiatives aim to pinpoint, evaluate, and address emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emanating from industrial process equipment. A fundamental element of LDAR efforts revolves around the deployment of advanced Leak Detection Technologies.

ZOOK is a leader in delivering cutting-edge solutions that meet the rigorous demands of LDAR programs. Our offerings, including the RDI, BA, and BI Series Burst Sensors, along with the ZAM Plus Rupture Disk Alarm Monitors, represent the zenith of accuracy and dependability in the realm of leak detection technology.

ZOOK BI / BA / RDI / RDI-S / Z-ALERT / ZENSOR / ZAM (alarm monitor)

  • Brand: ZOOK
  • Product Code: BI / BA / RDI / RDI-S / Z-ALERT / ZENSOR / ZAM (alarm monitor)
  • Availability: In Stock